Nina Aziz's


X-Men Apocalypse!

Greetingggs~ I finally got the time to watch X-Men: Apocalypse! And cue awesomeness!!! Woottt!!! I honestly love all X-Men movies, and mind you, don't keep the idea of this X-Men continuity from X-Men before X-Men First Class. Its a totally new one, and I am digging it! So after watching I would say Magneto and Charles are awesomely potrayed, Kudos ...

Entertaining others vs Humanity

Assalamualaikum and Greetings I usually avoid heavy topic, topic that scares me. But on 13th May, a date Malaysia marked as a dark day was darken again, by a news, a shocking news from our neighboring country. The sadist, brutal rape murder of a young girl of 19 years old.  Honestly, when I was reading the news, I was shaking, I am against violence ...

Apple Pie Ala McD!!

Assalamualaikum, and greetings! Finallyyy!!! My blog is back to normal! Celebratory mode here!! CELEBRATEEEEEE~ So as celebratory celebration, I am sharing a recipe here! I made it, back then, two weeks? or maybe a month ago?  Its easy as pie, no lies! Cause its pie! See there see there... Okay serious face.  This is really easy for ...

Organic Tea by MiracleHq/ Mira Kawaii Shop

Greetingss~ So, I found new calling, Again! Yes again! So today I am going to introduced you guys to these, awesomelicious, smell wonderful organic tea. Organic Tea is tea that is not processed, means you see it as the leaves or flowers bud or petals. Tea Series Tea Series, meaning it has three leaves or flowers per jar, and I am loving it!  As ...

SL1M in Celcom and Toastmaster

Yay, dusty blog once more! Bla-bla, my progress? I am a SL1M Trainee, So yeah if you are going to be, have questions do hit me in my email I will look at it more than my phone. For sure I will try my best to answer you guys! So, on 10th March marked my 7th month here? Wow, time flies! Work work and then training, and hanging out. Well, ...

Of Choices and Life

hooo-boyyy, that sound so serious.. *blow away the dust and dust away the cobwebs* So, why is this dusting? EASY I AM LAZY..yup lazy.. sighs one dangerous thing lazy.. I mean I got all the idea in and out of my brain to update but then, lazy said, nina no, no, nina, no... so as you know, I succumbed to the no nina no.. Yeahh terrible disease.. So anyway... what should i talk about? Weekend ...

Of Time and Nothingness, Decision, Decision

Hypothetically, I feel like it has been ages since my convocation... Well it is last year...So yeah... I have been almost everywhere, ministries offices, parliament, politics convention etc... Yet, I have not been able to decide what am I going to do with my future... Work or Masters... I have sent in resume, yet it has the force on me that, I don't want it yet.. And I am still deciding to further ...

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