Nina Aziz's


X-Men Apocalypse!

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I finally got the time to watch X-Men: Apocalypse! And cue awesomeness!!! Woottt!!!

I honestly love all X-Men movies, and mind you, don't keep the idea of this X-Men continuity from X-Men before X-Men First Class. Its a totally new one, and I am digging it! So after watching I would say Magneto and Charles are awesomely potrayed, Kudos to McAvoy and Fassbender, psst, it does help they are swoon worthy, like I was swooned last Friday while picking up something I won from Lazada. 

Yup yup, swooning, swooning

Others are awesomely potrayed too, like Archangel, Angel darker version, tho I like the old Angel (pity him, got so little of screen time in X-Men 3 and new actor already, sad) he did awesomely, I mean the time he had the rematch with Kurt Wagner, and got locked in remains of building looking like a cage, it was awesomeee!! Awesome, awesome! 

Beside Kurt the one giving a good time laugh, Quicksilver, aka *whispers* Magneto's kid, Damn Erik really got good genes, I mean Quicksilver with the speed, and the daughter, Nina *screams* can, I think its telepath or maybe ability to control animal. Anyway back to Quicksilver, comparing to Avengers' Quicksilver, Peters, Evan Peters was quirky, oh he is funny, while Pietro (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) is funny, but he is like more composed and buff, yeahhh buffed..Evan Peters did stunning job in creating comical relief in the movie. Go Peter! 
Pietro vs Peter
I would say, X-Men Apocalypse is something you should watch if you are into X-Men movies and into all of the X-Men Movies, and willing to accept new storyline.. I like this one cause Phoenix/Jean were told to embrace her power early! I mean her power just ah-maaayy-zinggg!! Tho one question, why suddenly Jean go British? I am too use to the old Jean Grey... But go Sophie Turner!

Another character I always like is Alex Summer aka Havok! I always love him since X-Men First Class, I mean its Havok! If Cyclops has the laser vision, Havok has his hands okay chest, shooting lasers. Sadly, he died, DIED! And I almost cried. He is the cool kid,okay...

J-Law slaying Mystique as she always do, I mean the badassness,grabbing Kurt from the fighting pit, and then finally training the future X-Men! 

Anyway thats my favorites in X-Men Apocalypse! Whats yours? If you haven't watch yet, do take time to enjoy it, I mean really enjoy it.. 

P/S: Wolverine is in there! Go Wolverine! 

Till next time,


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