Nina Aziz's


Entertaining others vs Humanity

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Assalamualaikum and Greetings

I usually avoid heavy topic, topic that scares me. But on 13th May, a date Malaysia marked as a dark day was darken again, by a news, a shocking news from our neighboring country. The sadist, brutal rape murder of a young girl of 19 years old. 

Honestly, when I was reading the news, I was shaking, I am against violence especially against women, against any being. And what more surprising, few pages, facebook pages of parody in Malaysia, administrated by what we call human, have zero humanity left inside. Or the pictures of men, the one whom suppose to be a protector to the weak and helpless, parodying the gruesome murder-rape crime, in hope for laughter. 

These situations only reminds me of one song, Where is The Love by Black Eyed Peas.
It just ain't the same, always unchanged
New days are strange, is the world insane
If love and peace is so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Especially that part. Something scary, scaring others, and some of us decided to most 'humane' way for them to thread in this issue by making parody, by slamming its women at fault. We see some people posting served the girl right, being 'sombong', these are said by men. Which makes me think, some people sucks, some men sucks,  because they forgotten, they are born as someone stronger than women, raised to be stronger than children. They forgot, that all those is to help protect women and children. Maybe that's why women are so strong these days, they are required to grew strong.

No wonder there are feminism slowly taking place in our country. Our Feminism fought for respect, equal respect for them. And funny, there are women opposed to these idea, I am not saying it is wrong, but using such degrading title. Just because these two groups having different ideas, one should condemn others by degrading title?

Not venturing to feminism issues, but focusing on humanity. Don't stop and pause on your life, just stop for a moment and be a humane human. Not everything worth to be parodied, not everything worth to be smiled or laughed upon.

And, thats all for my heartfelt confession

until next time!!

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