Nina Aziz's


Apple Pie Ala McD!!

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Assalamualaikum, and greetings!


My blog is back to normal!

Celebratory mode here!!
So as celebratory celebration, I am sharing a recipe here!
I made it, back then, two weeks? or maybe a month ago? 
Its easy as pie, no lies! Cause its pie!

See there see there...

Okay serious face. 

This is really easy for the skin, you can buy the pastri skin at bakery or used 'karipap' dough. Or the easiest, or laziest, bread, good old gardenia or the instant pratha/ roti canai! 

So for the filling, 
I used this recipe 
For the filling:
3 GREEN apple (compulsory)
1 spoon of butter/planta
2 spoonful of brown sugar
1 tea spoon of lemon juice
1 tea spoon of pomegranate puree (optional)
1 tea spoon of cinnamon powder
1 spoonful of flour

From this recipe I did altered it to my taste, so basically this is the basic recipe, you can add more cinnamon if you like or more lemon juice if you want it soury, all based on your taste buds. 

Okay lets see.. 

Not in the picture flour, pomegranate puree
How to make it?
1. Skinned (optional) sliced and dice to bite size, or how you like it!
I chopped them to these size! 
2. Then, mixed all the ingredients in one bowl or in something,
Mix everything well, do wash your hand before doing it! 

3. Put them in pan, pot or well anything you use to cook

Water will come out from the apple slowly, but you can add few spoons of water to make it to your liking

4. Ta-daaaaaaaa, this how it will look. I added in more water, to make it more watery.

5. Then, since I was doing it in short time, I used bread, So you roll the bread thin, roll it roll it, the fold it, use fork to press on the sides, leaving one side open.

6. Using spoon, fill in the pockets you made, like below, fill it in, and once filled, pressed the opening side with forks, you can use flour mix with water as glue based. Or even better, you know the 'karipap' press thingy? You that with your flattened bread, you can fill in more fillings.

7. This is the done one...

8. You can keep it frozen or just deep fry, make sure your oil is really really hot, if not, you will get an oily pie

And thats a really easy-peasy recipe from me! Oh I got this recipe from a FB group: Masak Apa Hari Ni , which have lots of awesome easy to do recipe as well

Tell me if you tried this!!

Lots of Love

am I writing a letter?
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