Nina Aziz's


#GSCHORRORFEST with Churp Churp and GSC of course

Go baby go! Hallo Spook-Tober Fans~

On 26th October, 2013, me, Nina Aziz have ventured to the journey of soul trading. LOL
Just kidding, okay ever heard of Churp Churp? Never?

Churp Churp is the little blue bird, like Twitter bird, but much more nicer compare to twitter bird, (cause I always got errors to post tweet)
So back to the Churp Churp matter, so ta-da the blue bird who always giving us the Churpers something *wink wink*
Nahhh, okay I missed out on ChurpOut2013 cause the date it was held was the same date as my sister's akad nikah. So yeah,I missed on that, I wanted to go badly *sobs*

Its okay, I'll be on the look out next year *wears binoculars instead*

So, how this all started, yes I am getting back to my original storyline of this blog post...

So on that day, 15th October 2013, I was home it was the week of my sister's wedding pst pst
I got so bored packing those door gifts so I scrolled down my twitter time line and saw this one tweet from Churp Churp..So I tweeted back and actually forgotten about it. The story of my brain...

This is the tweet <3 <3
So yada yada suddenly I got email, on the wedding day or is it earlier, either way I got le email from Churp Churp, Thank you Blue Bird! Saying I got the tickets and allowed to bring a friend..So I took Kay to the GSC HORROR FEST *cue scary music*

We have alot of fun, Thanks to Mira and Mai for letting us to tag along! Woo
Yeah here a pic of me and Kay being bored being I am
We are the first baby! Hehehe

After eating the eyeballs, I feel sick to be honest

Now, the most awaited time *drumrolls*
I wanna write a bit of review on the movies we watched on GSC Horror Fest.
FOR THE FIRST MOVIE dan dan dannnnn~

Of course from Mr. Google again
This is what I understand so far, I don't even get the name of the main character, Sorrryyyy hehe.. Okay so this dude, the main character, move into a new apartment, on the first day he got there, he tried to kill himself, yeahhh he tried to hang himself. He was also possesed at that time, yeah its complicated relationship with the ghosts. The story behind the unit he rented was it was a unit belong to this woman who lived on eating food for the Chinese God, she ran out from the apartment because, her husband working as a tuition teacher tried to rape this one girl, the girl's twin sister killed him, accidentally killed herself, and the one got raped hung herself, and since that they both, twins haunted that unit. Scaryyyy, cause they can move like this then like that, you know how ghost move, and doubled it! So then one day, a tenant was killed, he falled of the stairs, but then still barely living, then this one shaman killed him cause he wanted the power of the twin ghost. After that incident, the wife of the tenant, asked the shaman, not knowing he killed her husband, to revive her husband. Got it got it? She wanted him to be alive again, the bad shaman, lets call him that, says okay, she has to do this, and she did, giving the dead body blood of crows, and then she can't wait anymore, hence she asked him what else, fyi, the corpse is alive *cries*. Then the bad shaman told her give the dead person a blood of virgin child, yeah the subtitle said so! So then, poor cute boy, he was locked in the bathroom with the vampire and he ate him, blood is everywhere *cue me to puke first time* Then the bad shaman goes to correct thing, but got attacked by the vampire, in his dying time, he told the other tenant the one really experienced in the ghost, vampire thing, he scolded the dying person *muahaha*. Ohh, I forgot to mention, the bad shaman used the main character, to catch the twin ghost and he did with the help from the other tenant, lets call him good shaman. Then, the twin ghosts gets into the vampire body after he killed the lady who owned the unit that the twin ghost died in. Then the fight begin, and blood is everywhere *cue me really want to puke so bad*. They fight here there and then fall of the verandah, and the old lady, the wife of the dead, come and kill herself, more blood *shudders*. And the main character survived but the good shaman died, So basically everyone died! except the main character.

My Review:
It was messy, I covered my face the whole time cause of the blood. *shudders* Blood is everywhere! It was a good movie, but why must everyone dies? And that cute boy, so cute, poor him! And the blood! Yes I can't deal well with blood, hence why my good in biology wasted~ *sighs* I won't recommend this movie to those who is scared of blood like me *points to self* But those who are sadistic in movie liking, yeah dude and dudettes, watch it! I mean fans of Saw, Final Destination, yeah this totally should be in your list!
Poor boy that has to die!

Okay moving on moving *mopping the floor*
Next movie, it is a Thailand movie, THE SECOND SIGHT!
Marry me Mr. Google? Kay fangirl over him!
Jate, the main character,is a lawyer. The story begins when he win a case for a guy who killed a school girl and haunted by the girl. So after he won the case, its on the road, yeah he has this gift of seeing ghosts, people karma and sort. It took back when he first saw it, I think it was his mom and he told her and got beaten and she died falling off balcony like he saw it. So he saw this guy who killed the ghost girl, driving past him, and saw an accident coming, instead of help to save the guy or any future dead people, he skillfully dodge the accident. He got home, smooching with his gf lol. Then the next day he got a new case. Remember the accident? Yeah so the one who is in the car, the one caused the accident, she was the one to be helped. I think her name was Kwae? Yeah thats her name I think. Okay so he has to help her, and she was haunted at first by 3 ghosts, later on was revealed to have 7 ghosts haunting her. *sobs* Then he tried to help her but at the same time his relationship gone awry. Bad boy! So one by one mysteries were peeled off, and they come to know, that there is this one ghost won't leave the girl, and was the girl's mother. How scary is that? Your mom haunting you too! Then things progressing and his gf got disturb by the ghosts too. Suspense baby, suspense! Then the story progress, and the monk that he knew from helping his problem, told him to reflect on himself but he didn't. Then come to this one part, the police found a laptop in the river where the accident took place, and he recognized it, he went back home and drags his gf along. After that revelations come to meet, his gf was one of the victims in the accident too! So yeah he smooching the air before this! And then after he knows that, he was driving home I think, Kwae's ghost mom appeared and said she is in danger, and he rushed to help her. Then there is more revelations! Kwae's mom is his ex who died giving birth to Kwae, and she was seeking revenge on his gf, Jum cause she took him from her. Then he almost died after saving Kwae and paralyzed with two ghost clinging to him and Kwae too. Yeah that's how it ended!

My review:
I thought Thailand horror movie was supposed to be scary! I wasn't much scared during this movie. Its funny in certain part, and some of the CGI was nice and some were mehhhh.. And I don't get it who can come out with this storyline? It is not twisted, but somehow freaky, cause he almost kissed his own daughter, yeah Kwae is his daughter *shudders* I was disappointed in the movie, tho the main character reminded me of Hangeng but Kay gave me death glare when I said that. So yeah. It is a good movie for those who well have extra time, but yeah if you seek more scare, I don't recommend this movie.

*insert drumroll*
Now the last movie of the Horror Fest! INSIDIOUS CHAPTER 2!!!!!
The long awaited movie, and please watch the first movie before watching this, it will make much more sense afterwards.

Yeah, Mr. Google, marry me please??
Continueing from the first movie, Insidious. You know the last part Elise was killed by Josh who was not in his own body, but the scary black dress woman? Yeah so, he didn't kill everyone else like we thought, but just Elise. Dalton didn't astral project anymore, well, not far! They moved in with Lorraine. And then there was this flashback, of the first time Josh meeting Elise and has his memory surpressed. So there are few confusion part, and then the story progressing with Josh showing signs of scariness, yeah its scary, and Renai is seeing this ghost lady who seemed so mad. Lorraine feel uneased and investigated. Which brings back to her work place where Josh always came along. Then, to this scary abandoned house where she and Elise's crews found dead bodies, yes ladies and gentlemen, bodies! They ran off the house, knowing Josh was possessed by the black bride. Then they tried to prevent it, and can't, one of the crew got knocked of so hard, almost dead, found Josh's soul wondering around ,trying to get back, but first they must help Renai and the kids to survive by killing off the ghost. So it was so scary *cries again* And they got help from Elise, and that crew guy, uhh Carl wasn't really dead. They solved why the black bride, is haunting Josh and then when they solve it, they both don't know how to get back to the real world to their body, and then Dalton came to the rescue! He carried Foster's can phone, and follow the string back, just before Renai got killed! So everything is safe and Carl helped to surpress Dalton and Josh's memories again! And The End, I won't write much spoiler here..

My Review:
Few confusion was answered!!! And it was so awesome and cool and amazing! yeah Dalton was cute, and Josh getting old *shudders* Scary shit okay... It is so awesome and keep me focused lol! I mean I was glad Renai and family was not killed! It will be such a turn-off. Oh remember in the first movie the front door was open?Yeah it was answered in the movie too! So after you watch the first movie and scurried to the nearest cinema to watch Insidious Chapter 2! So YES YES YES! I recommended this movie to all scary freaks movie watchers out there, and please watch the first one okay?

ANDDDD END OF MY REVIEW, yeah I am still new at the Review thing, but yeah, feel free to drop a comment or two okay? tell me about what you think of the movie!

See the first picture up there? There is a catch for you!
All you got to know are:
  • The first 50 customers daily will receive a free Surprise Box with every 2 tickets purchased
  • This promotion is only valid for any of these 3 movies: Rigor Mortis, Carrie and The Second Sight
  • The promo period is from 26th of October 2013 to 10th of November 2013
Come on babies, go and get scared!

Hmm, do you think I can go and intern at Nuffnang or maybe Churp Churp?? HMmmmmm

Lots of scarer,

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  1. I hope we could get the opportunity again and go watch movies together berkali-kali lagi XD


What about you? What do you think?