Nina Aziz's


Internship and deal with life

1 comment
Sound like pretty serious topic isn't it?
*wears serious glasses*
Lets talk serious babyyy..

So, as I told you before, I am in Semester 5 *scary music cue here*
Next semester will be my internship. And yes I am scared of my future..
I am not really certain what I want to do...

I like editorial work, but not the magazine, newspaper editing thing, but rather, editorial in publish novels and books. Malaysia is lack of English Publication House..
Then if not that, I would love to try masscomm,
but I am actually scared of trying for it, because I don't know, I might screwed it up?
And if not, I would love, event management, but how many of it are trusted enough?
Ahhhh *insert stress screams here*

At first, when I was doing my foundation, I wanted to keep on studying,
but now, I am not even sure, I want to find a good intern place, thats all important now.

I am actually scared, because somehow I felt like not fully prepared...

Wish me luck in searching for good intern place...
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1 comment:

  1. I know a trusted event management company and I've contacted them last sem. The CEO replied, welcoming EPC students to intern there :)


What about you? What do you think?